You know. I want to say that I have been a positive and happy person all my life. But to think about it, i was kind of negative person through out of it. I'm always arguing with my brother, yelling, screaming, hitting. Yeah, it even gets that bad sometimes. And I find myself missing my dad so. Then get sad and start crying. There are days where I'm just in a sad mood. I can't really explain but I'll try. Maybe I'm just love struck, but broken heart-ed is more like it. The feelings I have for this guy must be kept hidden, in secret. Why? Cause may be he's taken. Shame on me.
I want to tell him how I feel. How I really like him. But why bother. The chances of us being together is not likely. For many reasons. And if I did confess my feelings, maybe things between us would change, be awkward at work, or even lose a friend. It just saddens me how we'll never have a chance and won't be able to see how caring I am or how big my heart is. I plan on talking to him in person soon. But after he's already finished the mission. See how he feels about me, talk about what I've been thinking about us, and hopefully we'll both be able to handle our emotions to stay good friends and nothing will change negatively, only positively after opening our hearts. It's kind of like a love story I see in movies or read in books.
But I think it's only because my idea of love is very superficial and fairytale like. A romantic guy who is caring, helpful, adventurous, courageous, handsome, funny, fun, has a deep dark past. And we live happily ever after in a nice big house with a family etc. etc.. I just have bad taste in guys. Cause all the guys my friends have been with have proved that they are lying, deceiving, cheating and other bad actions that i can't mention them one by one.
But as of now I'm happy to be friends with him. Laughing and having a good time. Secretly knowing that we have a thing for each other, an attraction more than just friends. He keeps my mind, puts a smile on my face and cheers me up when I'm feeling blue, and keeps work interestingly fun.
Now everything is on the line. What I've ever thought about is starting to shine. Yes ! Actually I am happy to know it, but it saddens also. I am not so sure yet this's gonna be as like I wish. Oh Gosh, this matter kills me almost. Huft. I have no such guts to take the risks. May be i am too young. But this is not the end. I promise you. I will not ask you to do what I want. If you must be the one, then it'd be even it's without my wills. I want you to know. I am still hoping, you will be the one.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Naked Sushi a.k.a. Body Sushi
Are you Sushi Lovers ? I just find out that there is restaurant named “Nyotaimori”. Nyotaimori is the practice of serving sushi on a naked body, usually a fairly young, attractive woman. A similar practice is Nantaimori, which is serving sushi on the body of an attractive young man, mostly in homosexual bars. Some women have protested this practice, not understanding the cultural traditions and artistic value of Nyotaimori. The word itself translates as "Adorned body of a woman." This is an art form that has long been accepted in Japan. Tokyo in particular is famous for this type of art.
While Nyotaimori has been shown in several films, such as Bruno, Sex and the City, and Rising Sun, the practice is not that common in Japan. Where it is practiced, it is usually associated with organized crime and prostitution. In fact, in Japan, it is viewed as a European fad. The true history behind Nyotaimori in Japan has been obscured by legend and rumors. Europeans present it as a long-standing cultural art form, while others say it's rarely practiced outside Yakuza mafia gatherings. Some Japanese cultural experts hold the theory that the practice began in the 1980s economic boom, when wealthy businessmen had a sudden abundance of money and were looking for creative ways to spend it.
The preferred, traditional style of Nyotaimori dining is to use your fingers to retrieve the sushi off the body. Due to restrictions in some locations, the restaurant may require the use of chopsticks only, making sure that patrons don't touch the model and violate any ordinances.
Nyotaimori and Nantaimori require rigorous training for the person who wishes to become a sushi platter. First, the person must learn to lie perfectly still for hours, withstanding prolonged exposure to cold food. Body hair must be completely shaved, including pubic hair. The model takes a bath with a fragrance-free soap, then splashes with cold water to cool the skin before the sushi is applied. Some regions of the world require a layer of plastic between the sushi and the skin to comply with sanitation laws.
Restaurants serving this delicacy are rare and rather private about the details. One location that is bold enough to provide the service, but discreet about the details, is Flash Sushi in London. Diners are invited to different locations at different times. You are only informed of the date and location after you have paid for the meal, usually 24 hours before the dinner. Once there, you'll join up to 12 guests at a champagne reception before partaking in your 10-course sushi dinner off the exquisite models. Dinner costs 250 pounds per person, but wine, champagne, and Japanese beers and whiskeys are complimentary.
Have a nice time ahead to enjoy it !
Thursday, July 1, 2010
July Already
Oh, my goodness. Its July already. Half of the year has gone by just like that. New year's resolution, you better pick up the pace cause we only have 6 months left! Speaking of which, let me recall my resolutions :
-Lose weight
-Stop spending money from eating out
-Go to Pulau Seribu, then continue to Bintan (diving ♥♥♥)
-Get ready for schooling days -,-
-Buy such toys for my lil' cousin, Alphenos (aka Ae)
-Clean up my mom's stuff
-Get the truthfulness
That's all I can think of. Have I accomplished any of them so far? Not really. But actually i have got rid of my weight 5kg. hehehehe. Still invest 8kg ! Last night I thought July will be faster than i would like it to be. As like May and June. Huft. I am gonna miss my friends in office. Yep, but this is my choice. I prefer leaving all here to reach my dream ; being a diplomat and work on PBB association then get around the world :) Amen ♥
Don't worry me, mom. I will be ok. I will show my mature to you and also I will always remember you. Remember what you said, remember what you asked, and remember what you wanted me to be in the future. I love you mom. And if you know how hard it is. Yes, it's so so hard mom. Really. I know my days there will not be nice as I stay awake with you mom, with your care, your love, your patience, your touch, huft. Can I get these all happiness there ? It may be yes, but much to be no. No, no. Com'on Naomi, wake up. I must be brave. I must be responsible of my choice. Yes mom, I can ! Surely I can. But still it'd be. The hardest thing to do is leaving you mom
-Lose weight
-Stop spending money from eating out
-Go to Pulau Seribu, then continue to Bintan (diving ♥♥♥)
-Get ready for schooling days -,-
-Buy such toys for my lil' cousin, Alphenos (aka Ae)
-Clean up my mom's stuff
-Get the truthfulness
That's all I can think of. Have I accomplished any of them so far? Not really. But actually i have got rid of my weight 5kg. hehehehe. Still invest 8kg ! Last night I thought July will be faster than i would like it to be. As like May and June. Huft. I am gonna miss my friends in office. Yep, but this is my choice. I prefer leaving all here to reach my dream ; being a diplomat and work on PBB association then get around the world :) Amen ♥
Don't worry me, mom. I will be ok. I will show my mature to you and also I will always remember you. Remember what you said, remember what you asked, and remember what you wanted me to be in the future. I love you mom. And if you know how hard it is. Yes, it's so so hard mom. Really. I know my days there will not be nice as I stay awake with you mom, with your care, your love, your patience, your touch, huft. Can I get these all happiness there ? It may be yes, but much to be no. No, no. Com'on Naomi, wake up. I must be brave. I must be responsible of my choice. Yes mom, I can ! Surely I can. But still it'd be. The hardest thing to do is leaving you mom

Thursday, June 17, 2010
My Most Wanted Places
I just got some places that i think i should go there someday. Wish I will and i believe i will :)
Monday, June 14, 2010
IGO PENTURY Indonesian Idol
Jujur, awalnya gue ngga terlalu suka sm Igo waktu workshop. Padahal biasanya gue selalu suka Idol yg asalnya serumpun sama gue, yaitu dari Ambon. Tapi lama lama, nyanyinya Igo tambah bagus, dan this is what Ambonese should be proud of ! Dan klo orang Ambon ngga bisa nyanyi, dipecat aja deh dari daftar orang Ambon. Hehehehe. Sekarang, tiap minggu, cuma Igo doang yg bikin gue penasaran buat tau what he will show up to us, what song he will sing, what kinda any improvisation he will create. And currently he is my Idol, it may be for long time i will adore him :)
Well, ELICOHEN CRISTELGO PENTURY (aka Igo) lahir di Ambon pada tanggal 19 Februari tahun 1993. Igo adalah anak pertama dari empat bersaudara. Bakat Igo dalam bermusik sudah terlihat sejak dia duduk di tingkat ketiga sekolah menengah pertama dengan berlatih gitar. Lagu pop, rock, dan klasik adalah kesukaan Igo. Selain gitar, Igo juga dapat memainkan alat musik daerah Maluku yang disebut tifa dan tobobuang.
Igo juga aktif bernyanyi di acara hari ulang tahun Maluku, di gereja, dan pada saat acara tahun baru. Selain bermain band dengan rekan-rekan sebayanya, Igo juga pernah bernyanyi bersama artis-artis daerah dari Ambon yang disebut Mainoro Group di Belanda. Igo juga pernah bernyanyi dengan teman-teman band nya di pentas Gong Perdamaian Dunia di Ambon. Selain bernyanyi, Igo juga gemar berolahraga yakni bermain voli, basket, dan futsal.
Bagi Igo, kegagalan bukanlah akhir dari perjuangan, melainkan awal dari keberhasilan. Hal ini yang menjadikan Igo memiliki prinsip hidup untuk berusaha sampai titik darah penghabisan dengan senantiasa gigih, ulat, dan bersemangat tinggi. Buat semua orang Ambon dan masyarakat Indonesia, tetep dukung Igo ya. God Bless.
Well, ELICOHEN CRISTELGO PENTURY (aka Igo) lahir di Ambon pada tanggal 19 Februari tahun 1993. Igo adalah anak pertama dari empat bersaudara. Bakat Igo dalam bermusik sudah terlihat sejak dia duduk di tingkat ketiga sekolah menengah pertama dengan berlatih gitar. Lagu pop, rock, dan klasik adalah kesukaan Igo. Selain gitar, Igo juga dapat memainkan alat musik daerah Maluku yang disebut tifa dan tobobuang.
Igo juga aktif bernyanyi di acara hari ulang tahun Maluku, di gereja, dan pada saat acara tahun baru. Selain bermain band dengan rekan-rekan sebayanya, Igo juga pernah bernyanyi bersama artis-artis daerah dari Ambon yang disebut Mainoro Group di Belanda. Igo juga pernah bernyanyi dengan teman-teman band nya di pentas Gong Perdamaian Dunia di Ambon. Selain bernyanyi, Igo juga gemar berolahraga yakni bermain voli, basket, dan futsal.
Bagi Igo, kegagalan bukanlah akhir dari perjuangan, melainkan awal dari keberhasilan. Hal ini yang menjadikan Igo memiliki prinsip hidup untuk berusaha sampai titik darah penghabisan dengan senantiasa gigih, ulat, dan bersemangat tinggi. Buat semua orang Ambon dan masyarakat Indonesia, tetep dukung Igo ya. God Bless.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Be Blessing
May God give you
For every storm a rainbow,
for every tear a smile,
for every care a promise
and a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
a faithful friend to share,
for every sigh a sweet song
and an answer for each prayer.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
When u really LOVE someone as u never feel before and u have to let him/her away cause of such reasons which should not be.
When u lose someone and will never get him/her back.
When u realize that he/she is so important in ur LIFE but u can not reach him/her anyway.
On the other hand, u let ur self fall in love with another ONE only cause of ur impatience.
Then time goes and u will live in a pretend forever.
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